The Leaders Network vision for a Scotland of 2050


By Jenny Scott

2050 Climate Group were presented with an exciting opportunity to work with a design studio, AndThen. The project was to create a participatory vision of a climate positive Scotland. The project was carried out over Whatsapp in order to engage a wider number of people remotely. Although it was not planned to fit in with the pandemic, it worked perfectly and allowed us all to feel connected in uncertain times.  

Over 50 young leaders from 2050 took part in the project. Our goal was to engage our existing network and create a vision for where we want Scotland to be in the year 2050 and how we might get there. Over the course of 4 weeks, AndThen sent participants tasks to carry out over WhatsApp and gathered the data together to create a vision for Scotland’s future. The project developed three main objectives which help refine our work and engage our young leaders in our continual strive to obtain a climate positive Scotland. 


A Sustainable Scotland 

The word ‘sustainable’ is thrown around a lot these days and it is therefore important to be able to give it purpose in our work at 2050 Climate Group. Our Young Leaders stated that Scotland should lead by having a sustainable, local and decarbonised energy source; a joined-up approach to transportation; a complete redesign of politics and compassionate education. 

How do we achieve these goals? It is imperative that we create a transformation within the energy sector. This should include the decarbonisation of heat and increase the reliance on renewable energy and localised green energy production. Scotland must invest towards affordable, sustainable public transportation and provide infrastructure for active travel whilst reducing reliance on cars. Communities and policymakers need to be open to creative ideas to solve the problems we’re facing such as a redefinition of value, moving away from GDP, a circular economy, and Universal Basic Income and consider the restructure of the government we currently have. Education for people at all levels is essential, particularly at a young age, to equip them for climate change and focus on a duty of care and responsibility towards our environment.

A Just Scotland 

One of the key elements to our work at 2050 is not to just focus on changing people's actions towards the environment as an isolated concept, but to tackle climate justice directly and achieve a ‘Just Scotland’. A just society makes sure that workers rights and livelihoods are not left behind in creating a sustainable future. Scotland needs to create systematic changes to be compassionate, respectful and democratic. In 2050, people will have access to education, health, wellbeing and safety. Local communities should focus their energy and investment in infrastructure that allows for fair access for all to be connected physically and digitally.

Just Transition is the removal of pollutant industries whilst also providing the support that workers will need through this transition. In doing so, we must redefine wealth and value. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as the main indicator of success will be replaced with aligning wellbeing with success metrics. We need to look at how communities can collaboratively produce and share resources to reduce our carbon footprint and to improve the wellbeing of people by creating more meaning in their role in society. Housing must be accessible and affordable for all and land distribution rebalanced to reflect equality. Investment should be made into infrastructure, such as internet connectivity, transportation and livable neighbourhoods, while policy decisions should be made for, and by, the people.

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A Scotland beyond Net Zero

Although Scotland has ambitious targets of Net Zero by 2045, 2050 Climate Group do not think this is enough to get to where we need to be. To get beyond Net Zero it is essential to take responsibility for the carbon it is producing worldwide by ensuring that our emissions globally are also neutral. A more united approach is needed to tackle the problems we face. A huge behavioural shift in the way we currently live our lives will lead to progressive approaches like a new circular economy, radical change in global transportation and change how we approach our land usage and widespread education.  Climate science should be integrated into curriculums and the workplace, whilst conversations, partnerships and collaboration must be mobilised to drive bottom-up, inclusive change

We cannot achieve beyond Net Zero without a shift in the way we currently live. A Circular Economy is imperative to Scotland’s culture change.  We need to start creating an economy that does not produce waste. From industry to personal responsibility it should be easy to refuse, reduce, reuse, repurpose, and recycle resources. If this is instilled into society as a joint goal to achieve beyond net zero, it will create long standing, sustainable solutions to climate change.

Although we aim to make Scotland beyond Net Zero, there is no real point in doing this unless it is a global action. Domestically, our focus should be the decarbonisation of public transport and infrastructure for active travel, whilst internationally, progressive solutions are needed for shipping and air travel. We should harness nature as a solution to absorbing carbon, champion biodiversity in development approaches, and reform land ownership to become more equitable.

Our vision for Scotland in 2050 is to reflect all of the above. Our project with AndThen allowed our collective vision to come to light and we now have a focus to work towards in the years to come. We have a long way to go before reaching our goals, but it is important to focus our energy on the changes that need to be made. We have achieved so much in the last 30 years and 2050 Climate Group is dedicated to ensuring we achieve so much more in the future. 

AndThen have written a case study which goes into the details of how the project was carried out. We are so grateful to have had the opportunity to work with them on this project. Please read more on our project with them here.