Guest Blog: Reforesting for a greener Dumfries and Galloway - Jack Barrie's 2050x Story

Scotland’s unique landscape is already suffering the brunt of climate change through a mix of coastal erosion, flooding, and generally warmer and wetter conditions. One of the major mitigators of the effects of climate change is forestry. Jack Barrie’s recent project supported by the 2050x Fund focused on increasing forest cover in the Dumfries and Galloway area. Read on to find out more about Jack’s 2050x story!

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We need to talk about transport.

Transport is a big sector that needs to undergo major transition - from improving public transport networks to the use of battery-powered private cars on the road. This is primarily because transport, especially in the UK, is one of the biggest sources of emissions. As recent as 2019, transport alone was responsible for 27% of UKs total emissions, 90% of which came from road transport.

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