Young Leaders tell us their YLDP story

As we go into our 5th year of delivering the Young Leaders Development Programme, we got together one of our oldest volunteers (not by age!), Meredith Adams, and one of our newest volunteers, Alex Reid, to tell us a little bit about their YLDP story and what action they took...

“My journey with 2050 Climate Group started way back in 2015 when I joined the first YLDP programme. 

As someone transitioning from university to a career at the time, it was a fantastic way to meet likeminded people but also to build connections with people in a way that felt comfortable and not 'networky'! 

As a result of being on the YLDP and meeting a fellow participant, we launched a voluntary organisation that promotes sustainable behaviour change - Mad Challenges. Since beginning in 2016, people have pledged to complete nearly 4,000 behaviour changes which have reduced their carbon footprint, as well as benefitting their wellbeing and finances. 

Simply put, the YLDP gave me the confidence to go for it! My time on the programme taught me that tackling the climate crisis doesn't require a grand plan or lots of funders or a big following. It requires people and local communities who have a desire to build a greener future and the enthusiasm to get things going. 

After finishing the YLDP I wanted to stay part of the charity and help other young people access similar learning so joined as an Operations Volunteer in 2016. It's 5 years later and seeing people the impact the YLDP has on people's decisions, careers and journeys still brings me so much joy!”

- Meredith Adams (YLDP 1)

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“I studied Sustainable Development at University a decade ago and have always been passionate about sustainability, the environment and climate change. However, I reached a point where I wasn't living it daily - I had become a little disengaged through overwhelm, the problem feeling too big, and being disconnected from a network of likeminded people.

Participating in the YLDP helped reignite the fire in my belly and take positive action, both personally and professionally. The opportunity to network and engage with a diverse group of people who all had different perspectives on and experiences of the climate agenda helped me realise that one person can't fix the whole problem, but can still make a significant difference. If we all sit at home concerned that the difference we can make isn't big enough, then nothing will ever change.

After the YLDP, I was equipped and empowered with new skills, current knowledge and a better network. I was inspired to apply as a volunteer with 2050 Climate Group to ensure that others can have an inspirational YLDP experience like I did.

I volunteer with 2050 Climate Group because I believe the climate crisis needs to be a stronger focus for our politicians, our economy and the general public. I also believe that young people have the power to change the status quo and press for change, and I want to be part of that.My day job is all about supporting young people to advocate for issues they are passionate about and use their voices for good, and volunteering with 2050 Climate Group allows me to do the same in my personal life. 

As a result of being a volunteer with 2050 Climate Group, I can see that I am starting to influence those around me towards more sustainable choices and that is incredibly rewarding. I feel so much more empowered, motivated and inspired as a result of participating in the YLDP and becoming a volunteer, and it's an experience that will always stay with me.”

- Alex Reid (YLDP 4)

If these two have sold it to you and you want to become a young leader yourself, look out for our next recruitment round by following us on your chosen social media or sign up to our newsletter.